This is my oft-forgotten homepage.
I also have an old blog at
I'm on Instagram: @seebytouch.
I grew up in the south San Francisco Bay Area and studied in New York City, where I graduated from The Cooper Union School of Art in 2007. For fifteen years I worked as a visual and interactive designer, both freelance and in house at and WNYC Data News. I've also been a visiting design thinking instructor at The New School's Journalism+Design program.
In 2012 I started practicing Qigong, and then meditation, Aikido and energetic vocal work in 2016. Since then I've dedicated myself to these internal practices, returned to California, and quarantined in New Mexico during the pandemic. Now I split my time between the Bay Area and Taipei, studying and practicing mindful somatic self-inquiry in the traditions of Continuum Movement, craniosacral therapy, and the Hakomi Method.
Please write me at about everything and nothing.
Collages cut from written letters from my mother, dating from 1996, water damaged from an apartment fire in November 2010. First: The text is recombined to form the Chinese character 問 [ask], which is also the character 口 [mouth | orifice] nested inside the character 門 [door]. Second: Arranged around the character 聽 [listen].

What Love Looks Like
Diagrams, visuals, poems and videos on attachment, intimacy and loss. Full archive:

Really old stuff